These are the best surprise pregnancy announcements for your pregnancy reveal.
Announcing your pregnancy to your husband is such a thrilling time! I remember how excited I was when I first found out I was pregnant.
It’s a fantastic time and news you quickly want to share. But if you are harbouring this little secret and wondering how you will announce your pregnancy to your husband, we have put together a fun list of surprise pregnancy announcement ideas.
Telling your husband you are pregnant is something he will never forget, so give it some consideration and find something that suits you as a couple. I am sure you want to blurt it out, it’s such exciting news, but this could be a once in a lifetime event!
We have put together this comprehensive list of ideas with all the best surprise pregnancy announcements to husband ideas. We have ideas you can instantly implement and some that may take a few days or hours of planning. Regardless of which you choose, I am confident we have the perfect pregnancy reveal for you.
Note: If your pregnancy is unexpected news that you or your husband may not feel excited about, reach out to a health professional for advice immediately. As well as physical, financial and social changes, many women experience emotional changes during pregnancy.
Mixed emotions are a normal part of pregnancy and becoming a mom; however, anxiety and depression can affect you during pregnancy. If you feel sad, down, worried or anxious, it’s best to reach out and talk to someone as soon as possible.
Pregnancy Announcement to Husband
Location Ideas
1. House Hunting
If you are house hunting, the next time you are out viewing houses, you can make your surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband by saying, “This could be the nursery”, when you find an appropriate room.

2. Beach Announcement
Go for a swim together. Leave your husband in the water while you write a message in the sand. Get creative or use the standard one below. Swim out to collect him so you can see his face when he sees your message.

Fun Ideas
3. Photo Booth
Take your husband to a photo booth and then tell him you are pregnant right before the camera starts so you can capture the moment forever. Only recommended if you think your husband will be happy about the news.

4. Eviction Notice
If you know which room will be your babies, you make your surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband by putting eviction tape across the door and writing an eviction notice like this cute one. You can also use this idea if this is your second baby and the first is still in the crib, and just put the eviction notice on the crib.

5. Baby Shoes
Go shopping for a cute pair of baby shoes. You can either leave the shoes next to your husband’s shoes in his cupboard or show him, “Look what I bought today”. If you have a dog, you could also give the shoes to your dog and let your husband put two and two together. I love cryptic pregnancy reveals that take a bit of time to work out.

6. Dinner
When setting the table for dinner, create a setting for a little person.

7. Pet
Depending on the size of your pet, you can buy a bandana that says, “Promoted to big brother/sister”. You can also put a sign around their neck, give them a baby toy or some baby clothes to play with and wait for the questions to start coming.

8. Baby Bottle
The next time you get your husband a drink, serve it in a baby bottle, whether juice, tea or a beer. It will probably take him a moment or two to decipher your message.
9. Bun in the Oven
Put a bun in the oven with a cute note such as bake until (due date), or roses are red, violets are blue, I have a secret, and this is the clue.
Or set the timer, and when it goes off, tell your husband there is a surprise in the oven. You could also put your positive test inside the bun to make a hotdog.

10. Welcome Sign
A great surprise pregnancy reveal idea is to create a sign that says, “Welcome home, Daddy”! And put it somewhere your husband will be able to see when he comes home from work. This one will only work if it’s your first child.

11. Scavenger Hunt
Tell your husband you have a wonderful surprise for him, then send him on a scavenger hunt all over the house to find out what it is. Use the clues provided below or make some that are personal to you and your husband.

12. Countdown
Another excellent surprise pregnancy reveal is marking nine months on the calendar and stopping on your due date. Ask your husband why he thinks the days are marked and why that date might be special.

13. Other Children
If this is not your first baby, you can get your younger child/ren involved by making a sign or dressing them in a cute T-shirt or dress that says “I am getting a little brother/sister” or “promoted to big brother/sister”.

14. Netflix
Create a new Netflix profile with a baby-related avatar titled new baby. The next time your husband goes to watch something, Netflix will reveal your pregnancy!

15. Chalkboard or Letterboard
Get a chalkboard or letterboard and get creative. Announce the exciting news by drawing a baby, related items, or dates of conception and due date.

16. Say It With Balloons
There are many fun ways to make a surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband with balloons. You can write on them yourself, or if you know your babies gender, get some baby balloons that say “it’s a boy” and “it’s a girl“.
Find balloons that spell the letters baby or hide your pregnancy test in a balloon and get your husband to burst it for the surprise reveal.

Special Date Ideas
17. April Fool’s Day
If you find out around April fool’s day, you can give your husband the positive pregnancy test under the pretence it’s a prank. But the actual joke is that your pregnancy is confirmed.

18. Christmas
There are many ways to make a surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband at Christmas time. You can hang an extra stocking or put a present under the tree with a card that says ‘To Dad’.
Buy or make a Christmas ornament to hang on the tree. A lovely idea is to write on a Christmas bauble “coming soon due date”.
Writing on a bauble with glue and glitter is super easy and looks great. Every year you hang the bauble will remind you of your magical last Christmas as a family of two.
You could also get a glass bauble and put your ultrasound inside.
Or why not surprise him with a ribbon around the greatest gift you will ever give him!

19. Father’s Day
If you find out you are pregnant around Father’s Day, buy him his first Father’s Day card. You can include what a great dad you think he will be in your message.

20. Card
Buy your husband a sweet welcome baby card.

21. Easter
Buy your husband an Easter egg and write “hatching soon” with your due date. Or tell him how egg-cited you are! You could also try a cute bunny pun on his card such as “we are egg-specting some bunny new to join our family”.
22. Present
This idea is a great pregnancy announcement idea for your husband on his birthday. Collect a few baby-related items, perhaps your pregnancy test, a teddy bear, a pacifier and some booties, and give them to him as a present.
You can also use this idea at any other time of the year, tell him you bought him a special gift, just because.

23. Pregnancy Test
Find a unique and creative way to give your partner the positive test. You could wrap the test with a note to say, “Hi Daddy”, Or “Hi Dad, I can’t wait to meet you”.

Hobby Ideas
24. Pregnancy Test
If you are gamers who enjoy scrabble or other word games, this is a great surprise pregnancy announcement idea. Have a game with your husband and try to make words relating to your pregnancy. Or send him a cryptic message such as OVbunEN.
Alternatively, spell some words out on a scrabble board, such as Daddy and send him a photo of the board.

25. Puzzle
If your husband enjoys doing puzzles, create a message for a puzzle or get your scan printed onto one. Give him the mystery and tell him there is a special message in the completed puzzle.

26. Music
If you or your husband play a musical instrument, buy a miniature of the instrument and leave it with the larger one, see if he gets the hint.

27. Sport
You can use the same idea for sport, buy a miniature version of his racquet, bat, ball, or whatever his hobby is. Another alternative is to buy the baby jersey version of his favourite team and present him with it.
28. Other Hobbies
You can follow this miniature theme for any other hobby your partner is into, such as photography, fishing, gardening, cooking etc. If photography is your hobby, you might like to create a unique photo to send or show your husband.

29. Book
A great surprise pregnancy announcement for your husband is if he is reading a book, pop your ultrasound in to replace his bookmark.
Or get creative and make a bookmark with a cute poem or announcement. Try, “When two became three”, “Ten little fingers, ten little toes, two little eyes and one little nose”, or “roses are red, violets are blue, what we’ve wanted finally came true”.
Or try this customised leather bookmark that you can personalise yourself and keep forever as a memento.

30. Toolbox
If your husband is a handyman, buy a new daddy toolbox. Put a few baby items in there, such as booties, a pacifier, and your pregnancy test. Either leave the toolbox with your husband’s tools so he can find it in his own time, or present him with it.

31. Wine
Serve him a drink with a note that says, drink this for me; I will join you in 9 months—your designated driver until (insert your due date). Or come up with your text using these customisable wine labels.

32. Beer
Make a label for his beer that says Baby (last name) brewing. Or serve him a beer in a baby bottle.

Food Ideas
33. Pizza
If your partner is a pizza lover and gets to eat pizza and find out you are pregnant, he will think all his dreams have come true.
Order him a pizza and either collect it yourself and write a message on the box before you give it to him. Or get the delivery service involved and ask them to write your message inside the box.

34. Cake
If your partner is a dessert lover, you might like to bake a cake with a message on top or inside. Messages you could write include, we’re pregnant, thanks for knocking me up, coming soon, pink or blue, and baby makes three (or your number).

35. Cookies
Buy or make some baby related cookies. Make him a cup of tea, coffee or any hot drink and then offer him some of your baby cookies.

36. Cooking
There are lots of ways you can pull off a surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband with food. You can spell something with sauce, pastry, pepperoni, French fries or vegetables. You can also spell something out on a pizza.
Or serve him a miniature version of whatever he is eating, such as a pie and a party pie, a croissant and a baby croissant or a cupcake and a mini cupcake.
Romantic Ideas
37. Message in a Bottle
Put your message in a bottle and then place the bottle somewhere prominent, making the message inside easily readable. Or ask him to check what the message says in your new message in a bottle.

38. Proposal
Get a ring box and ask him to be the father of your child. Inside the box, you can put something the size of the baby at the time.
For reference, at week four, your baby is the size of a poppy seed, week five it’s an apple seed, week six a sweet pea, week seven a blueberry and week eight a raspberry.

39. Poem
Write a poem or find a poem suitable poem that suits you as a couple. Frame the poem, put it in an album with your scan, or send a text message. You could also recite the poem for your husband.

40. Frame it
Buy a photo frame and get creative with a message and your scan. It will be a lovely memento you can keep forever.

41. Photo Album
Create a photo album with pictures of your life together up to this point; on the last page, include a photo of your positive test or your scan. Make sure you leave some space at the end of the album for your “to be continued…” journey together.
42. Book
Buy him a book on being a Dad. If this is his first baby, he has a lot to learn, and a book could be a handy reference point as your pregnancy progresses.

43. T-Shirt
Get a customised T-Shirt for yourself, your partner, your dog, your pet or your child.

44. Special Announcement
If you are taking a flight, write a note to the cabin crew asking them to announce your pregnancy. If you give the staff your husband’s name and seat number, you might want to get them to announce it when you land so everyone else can be a part of the magical moment too.

45. Save the Date
Give him your due date and tell him something exceptional is happening on the day, nine months from now. Please save the date! Ask him if he can guess what it might be.

46. Art
If you are artistic, make him a drawing or other piece of art that he can keep as a memento. You could draw a stork or baby feet or make something representative of your new family.

47. Parking
Ask him to drive you to the shops and when you arrive, insist he must park in the mothers with children section.

48. Slideshow
A slideshow is a very romantic surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband idea. Put together a photo montage of your life together with music. Make the last photo representative of your new future together as parents, such as your scan or a picture that sums up your future dreams.
49. Fortune Cookies
Go out for a Chinese meal, and make sure you call ahead and ask them to give you some fortune cookies. When the fortune cookies arrive, slip in your own premade fortune into the fortune cookie.

50. Selfie / Text Message
The text message is a very modern pregnancy announcement idea! Send your husband the picture of your scan, your pregnancy test or a selfie to tell him the news. You could also send him something cryptic, such as, “We need to go shopping. 1 + 1 = 3”.

51. Make it Sexy
Write something on your tummy and then invite him into the bedroom. You could write downloading, coming soon, baby on board, bump ahead or come up with your unique idea.

52. Mirror Message
There are two ways you can share your news using a mirror. The first one is to grab your lipstick or a post-it and write your message.
The other more fun way is to prep the mirror with a message so that the message appears when your husband has a shower and it steams up. To do this, you will need vinegar and newspaper for cleaning and prepping your mirror: a paper cup, cotton bud and a liquid denatured/rubbing alcohol or anti-fog window spray.
Instructions: Put your liquid in the paper cup, dip your cotton bud in the liquid (make sure it’s not dripping wet or it will spoil the message) and then write your message on the mirror.
That’s it! Wait until the next time he has a shower or jump in the shower together so you can be there when he sees the message appear in the mirror.

53. Coffee
Go to a café that announces your name when your drink is ready. Give the barista the heads up and get them to write a message on the cup, such as “Dad” or “Congratulations, Dad”.

54. Ultrasound Art
You can use one large image to make a piece of art, or another alternative is to make a collage with five or six photos. Either put the frame somewhere prominent or make it look like an everyday item, see how long it takes for him to notice.

55. Onesie
If you are lucky enough to have a partner that helps with the washing (and I hope you are), put some baby clothes in the wash or hang a lone onesie on the line for him to find.
You can also purchase a onesie with a message for the dad-to-be, such as “Hello Daddy” or “I can’t wait to meet you Daddy, due date”.

56. Piggy Bank
Buy a piggy bank or “New Baby Fund” box and leave it somewhere he will spot it. You can add a note that says saving until the due date.

57. Diaper Delivery
Have a box of diapers delivered to him or put some in the trolley when you are out shopping.

I’m so excited just writing these suggestions. I hope you have found the best surprise pregnancy announcement for your husband. If not, hopefully, you can take one of the suggested ideas and give it your twist.
I hope it all goes well, and I wish you every success as you journey into the wonderful world of parenthood, whether it’s your first, second, third (or more) child.
If you can film whichever surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband you choose, it will be a lovely keepsake to look back on in the future. And you can show your son or daughter in the years to come!
While you are here, pop over to our new mom to be an article for all the best information to prepare you for your new bundle of joy. And as you prepare for the birth of your new baby, don’t stress about your hospital bag. We have the ultimate hospital packing list for mum, dad and baby right here.
I hope you found the best surprise pregnancy announcement for your pregnancy reveal to your husband.