Our positive affirmations for moms will take your world from negative to positive, ensuring you feel more optimistic, resilient and confident.
Positive affirmations assist with reducing fear and anxiety while encouraging trust and belief in yourself. They can also help you feel more grateful, boosting your happiness and feelings of abundance. Plus, looking at life more optimistically is excellent role modelling for your kids.
The impact of thinking positive thoughts cannot be understated; we are what we think. The law of attraction works like a magnet, and it is possible to change your life outlook through your thought process.
Positive thinking is advocated by health and wellness experts; however, getting out of the rut of negative thinking can be difficult. It’s essential we put the right energy into life to get that energy back. Actively focusing on being more optimistic is good for your mind, body and spirit.
Being a mom can be challenging, so it’s great to have some tools such as our positive affirmations for moms so you maximise your joy. Sleep deprivation combined with emotional and physical changes in your lifestyle and body can overwhelm, making it difficult to think positively.
Suddenly life is not all about you; there’s a little person (sometimes more than one) who is entirely dependent on you for everything. The adjustment is enormous, especially if you were previously working and are now a stay-at-home mom.

Positive affirmations can assist with this adjustment and transform your life remarkably. While negative thinking is associated with low self-esteem and poor self-confidence, positive thinking is the opposite.
Positive thinking helps you overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts, and overcoming negative thoughts boosts your self-esteem and self-confidence. Elevating your self-esteem and self-confidence makes you more capable of dealing with challenges while increasing your resilience to change.
Positive affirmations are backed by science and reprogram the brain to attract a more positive response. Essentially your brain is like a computer and needs to be programmed so you can consciously control your thoughts to focus on positive outcomes.
By regularly repeating our positive affirmations for moms, your subconscious mind will start to believe your new positive thoughts as reality. You still need to align your actions with your thoughts; however, affirmations will help you modify existing mental concepts and form new ones.

Choosing Your Affirmations
Not all our positive affirmations for moms will resonate with you. My suggestion is for you to pick out a few that you believe so that you can generate enough emotion to give them momentum.
The affirmations you pick should feel authentic and right for you. Perhaps start with five or six and re-evaluate them as you progress.
Affirmations should be spoken in the present tense as if they are already confirmed. Use statements that start with “I am…” or “Today, I will…”. And avoiding words such as “I am going to…” or “I am trying to…”.
Below is an example of a thought pattern that can be reprogrammed using a positive affirmation.
“I can’t do this; I’m not very good at it. I don’t know what I’m doing, and it’s too hard”.
And with a positive affirmation:
“I give myself permission to believe in myself as a mom. I am doing my best, and I accept myself and approve of myself at all times”.
If the affirmations listed don’t feel right for you, you can try creating some of your own. Use the examples below to help you develop your positive mom affirmations.
When writing your affirmations, a general rule of thumb is to ensure you write them in the most positive way possible. Other tips include using the present tense, aligning them with your goals and ensuring they feel believable to you.
You can also look at these stunning affirmations cards or mindful messages cards for inspiration.

How To Use Affirmations
Write your positive affirmations for moms on colourful pieces of paper as neurologists believe stimulating yourself visually has a more significant effect on putting your goals into action. If you rewrite your affirmations on different colours every week, your subconscious will notice them more.
Many people put them on their bathroom mirrors to remind themselves to practice throughout the day. You can practice your affirmations in front of the mirror, looking yourself in the eye if it feels comfortable. Wherever you choose to put your affirmations, try to view them multiple times per day.
Before you commence your affirmation practice, you may like to slow down and focus on your breathing to induce a state of tranquillity. By slowing down for a few minutes and concentrating on your breathing, you can improve your mental clarity, destress your body and mind, and increase your energy levels.
Here is a simple breathing exercise for you to try. Breathe in through your nose to a relaxed count of four. Hold your breath for four seconds, and then gradually exhale to the count of four. Repeat.
Try this now; you will be surprised by the instant benefits you feel even after two rounds. You can use this breathing exercise to induce a calmer state throughout the day.
Take the positive affirmations for moms you have selected or written and spend three to five minutes saying them or writing them down at least twice a day. Repeat each affirmation ten times.
Remain attentive and mindful as you say your affirmations. Take your time, breathe, relax and try to believe what you are saying.
Some people see a positive change after using their affirmations for a few weeks; however, it can take longer to notice a difference. Be patient and consistent, practising your affirmations every day.

If you feel yourself sinking into negative thought patterns during the day, remember your positive affirmations for moms. Motherhood is a fun journey, but most people with an optimistic outlook have focussed on increasing their positivity.
It’s the same for moms. Daily positive affirmations increase your awareness of your thoughts and words, providing you with the opportunity to reprogram them. The power of thinking cannot be underestimated and goes a long way toward shifting your mood and managing stress.
I also recommend Daily Rituals, Positive Affirmations to Attract Love, Happiness and Peace for a deeper dive into creating positive vibrations by practising affirmations of self-love and gratitude.
Affirmations are not suitable for everyone, and that’s okay. If you try using affirmations and they worsen your mood, we have other options to increase your positivity, self-confidence and love.
These include our mom quotes, podcasts for moms and new mom to be tips that will leave you feeling supported and encouraged.
And on a lighter note, you can also visit our baby brain stories for fun and laughter.
Positive Affirmations for Moms
- I trust myself to make the best decision for me and my baby.

3. I receive all feedback with grace but make the final decision myself.
4. I know my wisdom will guide me to the right decision.
5. I am learning and growing as a mother every day.
6. I am doing a fantastic job.
7. I am grateful for this opportunity to raise my child.

9. I choose to see my family as a gift.
10. This day brings me nothing but joy.

12. Today will be a gorgeous day to remember forever.
13. I have everything I need to be a great mom.

15. I make a positive difference in my children’s life.
16. I listen to myself and trust my inner judgement.

18. Taking care of my baby feels good.
19. I am making my baby laugh and smile.
20. I am a blessing to my baby.

22. I am leaving a legacy of love.
23. I give thanks to my beautiful baby.
24. I am surrounded by love.
25. I love me.

27. I am perfect exactly as I am.
28. I am a fantastic role model for my baby.
29. I am calm.
30. I am unique, my baby is unique, our family is unique. I choose to do what is right for us.

Affirmations For Overwhelmed Moms
“I give myself permission to grow and learn as a mom” is one of my all-time favourite positive affirmations for moms. I love this quote because it allows us to make mistakes and recognise that each day is a new start.
At every stage of our mom journey, we are thrown new challenges that we have never had to deal with before. We are all evolving as we grow and learn. It’s a very humbling experience!
Note: If you are struggling with mom overwhelm, we have 21 practical solutions to help with overwhelm here.
32. I am resilient.
33. This, too, shall pass.
34. I’ve got this.

36. I allow myself to make mistakes along this journey.
37. I am patient and calm. I am not overwhelmed.

39. I can always return to my breath. Breathe and feel good about me.

41. I can ask for help when I need it.
42. I don’t have to be perfect.
43. Today, I look for the best in my child and myself.

45. I don’t have to be a perfect mom today.
46. I am enough.
47. I am the sky, not the clouds.

49. I am patient with myself and my baby.
50. With every breath out, I release stress in my body.

52. I breathe deeply and fully.
53. I keep progressing and moving forward no matter what.
54. I find joy in the little things every day.

56. If the only thing I do today is hug my baby, then I’ve done enough.
57. It’s okay not to love every moment of being a mom every day.

Body Affirmations
One of the challenges of being a mom is the changes in our bodies. It can be challenging to appreciate your new body, whether it’s stretch marks, sagging skin, scars, or post-baby weight.
Our self-criticism is compounded by the media who bombard us with images of celebrity moms seemingly bouncing back effortlessly after giving birth. New moms should be in wonder and awe at the miracle their amazing body has produced. But that’s just theory.
The reality is often very different and shifting your perspective so you can love and appreciate your post-pregnancy body is challenging. If that sounds familiar, these positive body affirmations are for you.
59. My body has created this amazing being.
60. My mothering body is beautiful.
61. My body deserves love.

63. My body is a gift, and I treat it with love and respect.
64. My body has done a remarkable thing.
65. I eat for energy and nourishment.

67. I am practising self-love.
68. I am taking time out when I can and when I need it.
69. I am more than my body. I am strong; I am a mom.

71. I love my soft tummy.
72. I nurture my body with healthy food.

74. I love and appreciate my body.
75. My body is a gift.
76. I love how I feel when I take good care of myself.
77. I’ve done something amazing. I am a superhero.
78. I am beautiful in every single way.

80. I am strong.
81. I listen to and trust the wisdom of my body.

85. I thank you, body, for giving me this beautiful baby.
86. I thank you, body, for carrying me through life.
87. Love fills every inch of my skin, and I feel the love inside my body.

89. I enjoy feeling good. It’s okay for me to feel good.
90. I can be healthy at any size.
91. I am healthy in mind, body and spirit.

93. Every day, I love my body more and more.
94. I accept myself and my appearance.
95. Every day, I eat healthy foods that are good for me.

97. I only eat when I am hungry.
98. I am in control of my eating habits.
99. My self-worth is not defined by numbers on a scale.
100. I choose to be comfortable and happy in my skin.

General Affirmations
These general positive affirmations for moms are designed to boost your confidence and increase your self-esteem. A fundamental identity shift comes with being a new mom; there is a sociological term, and it’s called “matrescence.”
The term was coined in 1973 and encompassed the emotional, hormonal, mental and physical changes when you have a baby. Often the things that you previous valued and found fulfilling have changed.
To embrace this new identity, give yourself some time, be patient and appreciate the new you. It’s perfectly okay for you to be different to the person you once were; you are still amazing! I hope these affirmations help.
102. I am proud of the person I am and the person I am becoming.
103. I am happy.

105. By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire others to be happy as well.
106. I love myself deeply and completely.

108. I am blessed with an incredible family and beautiful friends.
109. I am open to laughter today.
110. I believe in myself.
111. I am strong, vibrant and healthy.

113. I have everything inside of me that I need.
114. It’s okay for me to like myself. It’s okay for me to love myself.
115. I let go of the past and enjoy this moment in the present.

117. I am proud of how far I have come.
118. I make time to be in nature.

120. I am exactly where I should be today. Life is unfolding as it should.
121. Each day of my life is filled with abundance.
Negative thoughts are easy; our negative bias means we naturally think pessimistically. Disciplining your mind to think more positively is a skill that takes practice.
Thinking about positive outcomes is a form of self-love, as it offers internal support to ourselves. Brendan Burchard outlines three straightforward exercises to reprogram your mind to think more positively in the video below.
Brendan advocates these exercises done three times a day for thirty days will result in a powerful shift in your mindset.
Having a positive outlook will increase your family’s overall happiness. Expecting the best in life gives you hope for the future.
Thinking optimistically also allows you to look at the opportunities in every situation, positive or negative. You will develop great belief in your abilities by using positive affirmations.
Those abilities include looking for solutions and making the most of difficult situations. I wish you every success on your journey to influence your thoughts, attract good things and manifest the life you desire.
If you enjoyed our Positive Affirmation for Moms, you can find more good cheer on Oh My Baby Brain via our baby brain blog.
I hope you enjoyed our 121 positive affirmations for moms to leave you feeling more optimistic, motivated and energised.