We can prove that pregnancy brain is genuinely real with the newest funny mom brain stories from our community.
Pregnancy is a challenging and exciting time. There are so many huge adjustments going on in your body and with your lifestyle.
Pregnancy brain can cause you to be forgetful, lack concentration and be a bit absent-minded; however, it’s completely normal; it comes with the territory. I often thought a great analogy for the arrival of our twins was that it was just like throwing two hand grenades into our household and relationship.
One of the best ways to handle most pregnancy brain moments is to take a deep breath and laugh! It’s very common and was almost a daily experience for me when I was waking up to two babies in the night.
My brain was definitely on holiday without me. If you share your baby brain moments with friends and family, I am sure they will have their own tales to tell.
Some good ideas to help you cope with pregnancy brain include using technology, writing everything down, using a calendar or to-do lists, and taking photos of where you parked in shopping centres!
I remember once when my children were five (can I call that baby brain? Yes, I think I can!), we were in the supermarket, and my children looked across at another mom who was carrying a shopping list. They said, “Mommy, you should use a list like that lady over there”. I had written a list; I had just left it at home due to pregnancy brain.
Thanks again to all our wonderful contributors, and please feel free to share your own baby brain story here.
These Contributions Make it to Our Mom Baby Brain Hall of Fame
When hosting a mummies group at home, I made a lovely Nigella cake for my guests and forgot to serve it. I only noticed it in the fridge after everyone had left.
– Katrina

Going through drive through one evening I paid, but then drove straight past the food window. I had to drive around again.
– Lisa
When someone asked me what my two-week-old third child’s name was, I just blanked.
– Amy
I was so tired one night; I followed the taillights of a car in front of me and followed a car that ran off the road.
– Lizzie
One morning I got up and put the kettle on for coffee. I spooned some coffee into my mug then filled it up from the tap with cold water.
– Simone

I made myself a cup of tea with cold water.
– Aiofe
I was looking in the fridge for my hairbrush.
– Carmen
When my son was in grade one, I sent him to school for pyjama day on the wrong day.
– Rarity
My pregnancy brain fail happened more than once, leaving my keys in the door of my car all day.
– Nola
After changing my baby, I threw his clothes in the bin and the dirty nappy in the hamper.
– Ren
I turned up for late-night shopping on the wrong night.
– Lamisa

When my daughter was one, I accidentally locked her in the house, and it cost me $110 for an emergency locksmith.
– Veronica
I walked to the shops to buy groceries but got distracted, forgot why I was there, and only bought nail polish. When I got home, there was still no food in the house.
– Vivian
After a hectic week, I got home after work and had to get ready to go out again quickly. In my haste, I put mouthwash on my eye makeup pad instead of makeup remover.
– Gael
I put toothpaste on as deodorant.
– Ann
When cooking dinner, I sprayed the pan with fly spray instead of the spray oil.
– Louise
My doctor asked me to collect my wee in a cup. I went to the toilet and came back with an empty cup.
– Mandy

Wearing quite tight skinny jeans one day, I discovered I had spent most of the day with a G-string inside the jeans, down by my shin.
– Danielle
Rather than enter the time, I put my atm PIN into the microwave touchpad.
– Cleo
I lost my reading glasses for two weeks and then found them in the case.
– Sania
I kept calling my baby Madison when we had called her Madeleine.
– Sienna
After a tough night, I put a spoonful of muesli in my coffee mug and then added the hot water.
– Willow
I had pregnancy brain with my second pregnancy. I was very frustrated one morning, I couldn’t find my teabags anywhere. Later that day, I finally found them in the fridge.
– Sara
I was sitting behind a line of parked cars, thinking I was in a traffic jam. Luckily, I didn’t honk anyone in front.
– Maribel

My friends talked about what to do on New Year’s Eve, and I vaguely enquired, “what date is that”?
– Fiona
After getting up to feed the baby one night, I flopped back onto the bed, only to miss the bed and land on the floor.
– Talulah
I bought my friend a DVD for her birthday; I watched it before giving it to her but then I forgot to put the DVD back in the box. She opened her present of just a DVD case.
– Bethany
Arriving home work-weary one day, I tried to open my front door with my car keys. Frustratingly, it didn’t open regardless of how hard I pressed the button.
– Elisabeth
My husband got up and got ready to go to work, as he does every morning, and I asked him where he was going.
– Elise
I cracked an egg into my coffee.
– Louise
I put a bag of microwave popcorn in the oven, set the timer and walked away.
– Karlie
I went to the local shops with a large roller curler still stuck in my fringe.
– Marg

Preparing for a three-year-olds party, I purchased clear cellophane to wrap a child’s birthday present. I thought it was silver and didn’t realise the child would be able to see the present.
– Rita
I absentmindedly asked my dog if he needed to use the potty.
– Erica
When dining in a café, I couldn’t work out why I couldn’t find my seatbelt.
– Evie
When paying a bill while also having morning tea, I tried to take a bite of my credit card.
– Mandy
I left my boot wide open in a shopping mall car park.
– Silvia
I was buttering my toast with my fork and did not realise until my daughter pointed it out.
– Crystal
In a moment of madness, I ran a bath and then forgot about it. I came back to find my bathroom slowly flooding.
– Adriana
When reading a magazine, I tried to use my fingers to zoom in on a photo.
– Tara

I ate my dog’s treats.
– Natasha
When making a cup of tea, I threw the teabags in the kettle.
– Katherine
Picking my daughter up from her playdate, I went to the wrong friend’s house.
– Minna
I opened the door to collect a delivery with a white face mask on.
– Felicia
Thinking it was a moisturiser, I used conditioner on my face.
– Pearly

One night I got up to feed my daughter and didn’t realise the door to the nursery was closed. I walked smack bang into the door.
– Charlie
I ordered some photo magnets online, and when they didn’t stick, I called the company to complain. They sent me some new ones. When they didn’t stick either, I realised my fridge was not magnetic.
– Author
Drove to work in my slippers, I got all the way there, and it was too late to go home.
– Damaris
While cooking dinner one night, I got distracted in another room. I only realised I had left the dinner on the stove when the smoke alarm started going off.
– Rebecca
I went to a work function with my price tag still on my top.
– Patricia
When going to my regular shopping centre, I called the police to advise them my car had been stolen, only to find I had parked it in a different place.
– Stephanie
I put the expressed milk in the freezer instead of the fridge.
– Ruth
I walked straight out of the hairdressers and didn’t pay. They had to call me and ask me to pay for my haircut.
– Lydia
I microwaved my daughter’s yoghurt.
– Zoe

I organised a conference and then turned up at the wrong venue on the day.
– Janet
I was sitting at a green light, waiting for it to change.
– Esther
When having lunch with friends, my phone started ringing. I said “hello”, but I hadn’t picked the phone up yet.
– Natasha
My best pregnancy brain moment was probably ordering my children’s schoolbooks twice.
– Madeleine

I put milk in the water reservoir of my coffee machine.
– Bianca
Mum of twins. I got halfway down my street once before I realised I had only put one of my babies in the car.
– Dalia
I did the grocery shopping and then left all the groceries at the supermarket.
– Ciara
Went to the wrong soccer field for my son’s soccer game. I also got the time wrong. He checks himself now.
– Prue
I tore the house apart looking for my phone, only to realise that I had it in my back pocket the whole time.
– Carlie
I washed and dried my Nutribullet then put it away. In the fridge.
– Fiona
When filling in my daughter’s registration form, I spelt her name wrong. I didn’t bother changing it because it sounded the same anyway.
– Cassy

I went shopping for a few hours with my top on inside out.
– Tamara
I found a block of cheese in the microwave and a jar of mixed spice in the fridge.
– Anna
I had my husband’s phone in my handbag, I called it, and when it rang, I picked it up and said “hello”?
– Manisha
I poured water onto my cereal instead of milk.
– China
I was having a heated debate with my son, aged seven, and when trying to argue my point, I called him the dog’s name. I felt like it really detracted from my point.
– Mayra
I folded a pile of clean clothes and put them in the fridge.
– Kristy
I created a pass the parcel and forgot to put the prizes in.
– Imogen
I forgot the word “yoga” when I was making a date with my friend. I said, “that thing we do at that place”.
– Nicky
I refilled the ice cube tray with water and then put it in the cupboard.
– Jess
I got the weekend wrong for a good friend’s wedding and missed the entire thing. I saw her photos on Facebook and sobbed my heart out.
– Atika
I was chatting to my mum and put her on speaker phone while I opened a drink. I picked up my drink and talked into it, thinking it was my phone.
– Victoria
I drove 15 kilometres with my iPad on the roof of the car. I got to my destination, and it was still there. The rubber case kept it in place.
– Briony
I missed my train because I was searching for my go card, which was in my hand.
– Lucy
I gave my daughter my breakfast of coffee and toast and sat down to her eggs and soldiers.
– Ayesha
My daughter’s name is June, and I once told someone she was born in June. They looked surprised, given her name is June. She was born in September.
– Amelia
I called my friend Bob, Bub and my bub, Bob.
– Jackie
I got halfway down my street before I realised I had left my baby at home.
– Su
I was looking for my car keys that were in my hand.
– Aalayah
For more entertaining stores on pregnancy brain like these, you can go to our favourites, most popular or latest mom brain moments. Please feel free to share your baby brain story here.
This is proof that pregnancy brain is genuinely real. We hope you enjoyed the newest funny mom brain stories from our community.