These are some of our favourite mommy brain moments, I am sure you will be nodding and smiling as you read.
While some people dismiss mommy brain as a myth, as moms we know it’s very real! I remember my mom running through all our names before finally getting to the right one as a child growing up. I couldn’t believe she could get something so basic incorrect.
Fast forward twenty years, and I now find myself doing the same thing with my children. My most recent faux pas even involved calling my son the dog’s name! At least they are the same gender…
So, if you have recently found yourself wondering why you wandered into the kitchen, where your shopping list is or where your glasses are, you are in fantastic company. Embrace your Mombie and read on for more mommy brain hilarity.
Thanks again to all our wonderful contributors, and please feel free to share your own baby brain story here.
Our Favourite Mommy Brain Contributions
Working a regular nine to five office job, I turned up on a Saturday. I wondered why there was no traffic on the road like that was not a big enough hint. No, I still had to get all the way into the office before I realised.
– Tara
I put salt in my tea instead of sugar.
– Nadine

In a shopping centre with lots of people around I said, “good girl” to my son, who is obviously a boy.
– Margaret
I threw my socks into the toilet instead of the dirty clothes basket.
– Andrea
I had to drive my husband’s car because mine was in for a service. I got in and had no idea how to drive it. It’s automatic.
– Audrey
Looking for my headband so I could go for a jog, I searched high and low before I caught sight of myself in the mirror, wearing the headband.
– Paula
I strapped my baby into the back seat and then got into the passenger seat. To drive.
– Sally

Sitting in a meeting at work, I noticed I had cornflakes stuck to my trousers.
– Yuna
I tried to pay for my lunch with my driver’s license.
– Maddy
When I couldn’t find my car keys, I got into a panic and DROVE home to look for them.
– Olivia
I went out to dinner, went to the bathroom and realised I had only fake tanned one arm.
– Chelsea
I said “goodbye, love you….” to the checkout guy.
– Charlotte
I put milk in the milo tin instead of my daughter’s cup.
– Lily
I tried to fit my baby into my toddler’s car seat. Thank goodness my toddler was upset about it and alerted me.
– Yuko
I served my son frozen vegetables that were still frozen.
– Claudia
I attended my friend’s house party a week early. I had her present in my hand and was dressed to the nines.
– Gemma

I backed into my mum’s car when she parked behind me in our driveway.
– Molly
I found my kitchen scales in the freezer.
– Natalie
I forgot to put the dinner in the oven. I found it still sitting on the bench when the timer went off.
– Ruby
I woke up to find my child missing, panicking. I called my husband, who advised me she was at childcare that day.
– Laura
I wore my knickers back to front for a whole morning. I thought something was so not right.
– Nicola
I was standing in front of the toaster waiting for my son’s toast to pop up, but I hadn’t put any toast in.
– Sonja
I collected my 4-year-old from daycare and got involved with his animated chatter that I left the baby behind.
– Paige
I left a restaurant without paying.
– Mikayla, Sydney
I went to collect some food we ordered and handed the guy my phone instead of the buzzer.
– Anna, Melbourne

I reversed into my letterbox.
– Britney
I googled how many days are in a week.
– Issy
I put milk in the kettle when trying to make a coffee.
– Sarah
I started pushing someone else’s trolley in the supermarket.
– Natsuki
I got up to change my baby in the night and didn’t put another nappy on her.
– Holly
I forgot to register my baby’s birth; I got a letter in the post reminding me.
– Mia
I thought my drink was a baby bottle and shook it, spilling kombucha everywhere.
– Eliza
I am a schoolteacher who got cross at my class and asked them to “please stop LISTENING”!
– June

I turned up for my hair appointment a week early.
– Ophelia
I forgot to open my garage door, so I reversed straight into it as I left for the day.
– Janet
I talked to my friend at school and then had a panic attack because I couldn’t find the toddler I was holding.
– Lynda
I dropped my daughter off at swimming on the wrong day. I said for her to go in by herself as I had an errand to run. The poor thing got in there and was told her lesson was the day after.
– Zunia
When I couldn’t open my car, I went back into the shopping centre and replaced the battery on my car key. Upon returning, my car still wouldn’t open, which was when I realised I had the wrong car.
– Maggie
I booked time off work to take my daughter to an appointment, only to find I had the wrong appointment day.
– Ori
While walking my dog, I popped into the supermarket and didn’t realise I still had him on the lead with me. I was so embarrassed when security came over.
– Donna
Organised a girl’s dinner with my baby group mums and then turned up the night before.
– Faye
I dressed my twin boy in girl clothes and my twin girl in boys’ clothes.
– Fia
I filled a cereal bowl with dried dog food and was about to pour my milk in when I realised the “cereal” looked a bit odd.
– Dawn, Perth

I had an egg-splosion when I tried to cook hard-boiled eggs and forgot about them.
– Grace
Reheated my son’s food in the microwave with a metal spoon.
– Isla
Spent ages getting frustrated while looking for my sunglasses, only to find them on my head.
– Lotte
Left the children’s school bags on the driveway on the way to school.
– Ava
I was stopped in the shopping centre by someone who wanted to admire my twins, the lady asked me how old they were and I couldn’t remember. I said “I don’t know”.
– Millie
I made a Peppa Pig cake for my four-year-old and then drove to the party with it on the top of the car. Sadly, it did not survive the journey.
– Sheree
I tried to put a customer’s cash into the card machine and then tried it again when it didn’t work.
– Poppy
I got into the bath and still had my knickers on.
– Peta
I called the council to complain about my bins not being collected, only to be told I had the wrong day.
– Doris
I stopped in the middle of the road to let a branch cross. It took me a few minutes to realise it was not a small animal.
– Jane
I accidentally purchased two Baby Bjorn’s. I was stunned when the second one turned up.
– Premilla
I called the dishwashing sponge “that wet thing that cleans the dishes” when I couldn’t remember the word sponge.
– Lucy
I put my socks and boots on before my jeans.
– Dulcie, Perth

I accidentally used the men’s toilets and marvelled at the lovely design and features, only later realising it was the urinals.
– Kristen
I left the house wearing my pyjama bottoms.
– Abbi
I put the microwave on with nothing in it.
– Lily
I asked my customer if she would like to go to the toilet instead of whether she would like her receipt.
– Keryn
In the middle of the night, I woke up to the baby and spent ages searching for her bottle in the bathroom cupboard.
– Bree
I forgot to renew my daughter’s passport and only realised the day before our trip.
– Brooklyn
I ran into a friend at the supermarket and stopped for a chat. I caught myself pushing the trolley back and forward like it was a stroller.
– Kathy
I had a delivery while breastfeeding and opened the door with one of my breasts on display.
– Shauna
I sprayed my underarms with hairspray instead of deodorant.
– Simone
I was in agony one morning and went to the bathroom to check myself, I had put my breast pad on back to front so the sticky bit was on my nipple”.
– Mischa
I scooped my coffee into the babies bottle and was about to fill it with water when I realised what I had done.
– Ann
I drove all the way home from nursery drop off with the In the Night Garden on and didn’t realise. I caught myself singing along, “Yes my name is Iggle Piggle”.
– Author
If you enjoyed these baby brain moments, you can read more via our latest, most popular and our hall of fame.
We hope our favourite mom brain moments brightened your day and made you smile.