These mom brain moments are some of our latest contributions from our mom community.
It’s amazing what a cocktail of sleep deprivation and pregnancy hormones can do to our minds, but knowing that we are not alone is comforting.
Did you know that mom brain can even affect dads? We are putting together a list of Dad brain moments – coming soon!
On a positive note, there is an upside to the changes that occur in a woman’s brain, causing memory loss and poor concentration during pregnancy and after childbirth. Research shows that these changes increase our receptiveness to our baby’s needs, making us better mothers.
So take heart when you read our latest mom brain moments, and just a reminder, if you have a story to share, you can do so here.
Latest Mom Brain Moments
I often return to my car and find the car keys on the roof.
– Talia
I had a shower while still wearing my glasses. I only noticed when they started steaming up.
– Miranda
I got to work and still had my kids in the car. I forgot to drop them off at school on the way.
– Heather

I took my dirty dishes into my bedroom instead of the kitchen.
– Pei Lin
I woke my children up for school on the first day of the school holidays.
– Priya
I was searching high and low, in the clean laundry, out on the line, in my wardrobe for an item of clothing I was already wearing.
– Katy
I said eleventeen instead of eleven in a business meeting.
– Zara
I drove my car through the garage into my lounge room and left a car shaped dent in my lounge room wall.
– Sai
I served ice cream and then came back to the kitchen to find the ice cream had melted because I forgot to put it back in the freezer.
– Erin

I found a carrot in my utensil’s drawer.
– Ananya
I drove to work one Saturday morning on autopilot and drove to school instead.
– Lin
I did a load of washing without adding any laundry detergent.
– Angela
I used my maiden name in front of my husband. I have been married for four years.
– Ju
Driving a friend to the airport, I missed the correct exit on the roundabout three times. We were dizzy by the time I got off.
– Lee
I had peppers on my shopping list, but when I got to the supermarket, I couldn’t remember a “pepper” was a capsicum, so I left empty-handed.
– Ameylia

Drove to the petrol station and parked on the wrong side; I turned my car around only to find it was still on the wrong side. I left the petrol station because I was too embarrassed to get out of my car.
– Leanne
When watching a movie with my husband and a baby started crying on TV. I gave him a poke and advised him it was his turn to check.
– Evey
I mistook the TV remote for my phone and picked it up, and said “hello”.
– Ilana
I moved the bin but kept walking over to where it used to be with the rubbish in my hand.
– Laila
I was a mother of twins with no family around. Trying to get two babies out of the house was a monumental journey in those first few months. I had been told the multiple-birth pregnancy group was great, so I put in the hard yards to get there. After packing my nappy bag, getting the babies ready and into the car, and preparing myself, I set out for my new mothers’ group… Only to find I had mom brain and had the wrong day. I sat at the door and cried.
– Peta
I lined up in the queue at Aldi, but when it came to my turn, I didn’t recognise anything. I had joined the queue, even though I had nothing to purchase.
– Maria

I got the time wrong for a toddler’s birthday party, I turned up, and the party had already happened.
– Saba
I was standing in line at the bookstore with a pile of books in my arms, absentmindedly rocking them like they were a baby. I may have done it with bread and milk too.
– Author
I peeled an orange for my daughters’ lunch, threw the segments in the bin and kept the peel for her lunch.
– Sonja
I turned the dryer off only to discover there were no clothes in there.
– Melissa
I was so frustrated at the tele salesperson I yelled, “I am not INTERESTING”!
– Chloe
I messaged my husband to ask him what time he was coming home when he was already home.
– Debra

I rewashed a full load of clean clothes.
– Chiara
I was trying to burp my newborn by patting her bottom.
– Leesa
When changing my baby, I threw the dirty nappy in the laundry hamper and the onesie in the bin.
– Ines
My ultimate mom brain fail was coming home late one evening I was so exhausted I was following the lights in front of me. Unfortunately, the lights in front of me belonged to a service vehicle, so I ended up following a worker into a roadworks site. The young man was so lovely about it. He said, “don’t worry, it happens all the time”. He so obviously said it to make me feel better. It was utterly cringeworthy. He told me he would escort me out, follow him. Then to add insult to injury, he had to stop every twenty metres or so to explain to the workers en route that he had to escort the nincompoop behind him out. So, after he had pointed my mistake out to his fellow workers, I had to do the drive of shame past.
– Author
I went to clip the dog lead on my baby.
– Bronwyn
I put my baby in the bath with her nappy on.
– Effe
I went to the toilet in the middle of the night but didn’t pull anything down. I completely wet my clothes.
– Alisha
I poured tea into my baby’s bottle and then added sugar.
– Pam

I came home from a full day out to find my front door wide open. Panicking, I assumed we had been robbed. I gingerly decided to investigate. Upon investigation, I realised I had left the door wide open all day.
– Chloe
Looking for my phone everywhere, my husband walked past and asked if I was okay. In a very frustrated voice, I advised him that I had lost my phone, to which he responded, “is that the one in your hand”? I had been using the torch on my phone to look for my phone.
– Alley
I tried to put the baby’s bib on my husband.
– Linda
I fell asleep on our wooden floor. I don’t even know how or why.
– Emma
I sprayed the clothes with window cleaner, thinking it was the stain remover.
– Caren
I had my son dressed in full blue in the Baby Bjorn, little feet dangling out, chatting to him the shop calling him Sophia the whole time. The store owner must have thought it was a very unusual name for a boy.
– Author
I rode my bike to the shop, bought groceries and then walked home. When I was looking for my bike a few days later I realised what I had done.
– Alice

I was trying to open my garage door with my car keys. I kept pointing the keys and pressing the button for a good minute before realising I was losing my mind.
– Allysha
We went out to dinner one night with friends. At the end of the evening, we buckled the kids in the car and drove home. It wasn’t until the next day that I realised I had left the stroller on the footpath all night.
– Shani
I went to check a weird noise from my garage one morning only to find I had left the car running all night.
– Alexandra
I found my air conditioning remote in the fridge.
– Lesley
I met a friend for lunch, we idled the time away with our toddlers for several hours. When I got back to my car, I thought someone had broken into it. I had left my door wide open when I got out of the car.
– Danielle
I spent half an hour looking for my front door keys, only to find that I had left them in the front door.
– Em

I used my ATM card to try to get out of the train station, then tried to use my go card to get up the office lift.
– Rebecca
I was chatting to a friend on my phone while looking for my phone.
– Viola
We were chatting with friends when the baby started getting distressed. I started jiggling my bag to settle the baby, that my husband was holding.
– Alyce
I fell asleep on the train. I missed my stop and woke up an hour away from my house.
– Sasha
I was making a presentation at work and completely lost my train of thought, no words, just awkward silence.
– Hannah
I must have thrown the potato peeler away with the peelings, so I replaced it only to find the new one went “missing” within a week of purchase.
– Susan

I drove my husband’s car to the supermarket, then when I couldn’t find my car after shopping, I called him to tell him my car had been stolen.
– Wasna
I tried to pull open a door that was marked ‘Push’ for about a minute. I was so embarrassed when I finally pushed, and it opened.
– Andrea
I was supposed to put three teaspoons of sugar into a recipe, and I put three tablespoons. It was a very sweet dinner that night. At least the children were happy.
– Gaia
I peeled a banana and then threw it in the bin. I was disappointed to find that it was the peel left in my hand when I went to take a bite.
– Bele
I found out I was pregnant very early on, but I must have forgotten because I excitedly wondered if I might be pregnant when I felt nauseous at around eleven weeks.
– Astrid
I made my daughter a smoothie and didn’t put the lid on the blender.
– Annette
I was holding a drink and checked my watch for the time.
– Laura
I wrote the letter ‘f’ back to front. My daughter had to point it out to me.
– Tatiana
I took a swig of my toner, thinking it was mouthwash.
– Kathy
I added flour to my tea instead of sugar.
– Linn
Mom Brain Moments
I flew to Sydney to present at a conference but forgot to collect my laptop from security. I landed in Sydney with no laptop.
– Pixie
I bought my children a Wii game. We don’t have a Wii.
– Noa
I served dinner, and after we had eaten, I found the steamed vegetables still sitting in the steamer.
– Karen
I put the dustpan and brush in the dishwasher.
– Africa
I ran the washing machine with no clothes in it.
– Elissa
I couldn’t get my car to start after my caesarean. It turns out I was not putting my foot on the brake.
– Fleur
I put the baby formula in my tea. I unscrewed the lid of the baby bottle and poured it in before I realised what I was doing.
– Julie
I put a huge load of laundry on with a disposable nappy. The clothes came out with gel stuck to them, and the machine was a complete mess.
– Renee
I turned my fan on and was troubleshooting to find out why it wasn’t working when I realised it wasn’t plugged in at the socket.
– Liv
I went to the wrong bowls club for my friend’s 40th birthday party. I ended up being nearly an hour late by the time the second uber picked us up and took us to the correct venue.
– Author
If you enjoyed these mom brain moments, why not visit our favourite mom brain moments, our hall of fame or our most popular baby brain stories.
We hope our latest mom brain moments made you laugh out loud and don’t forget, if you have a funny mom brain story to share, you can do so here.